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2025 - 2026

Pastor Giving a Sermon_edited.jpg
Collaborative Leadership Styles

September 11, 2025


The first session focuses on understanding the variety of leadership styles within the class participants. The day is spent getting to know each other through team challenges and exercises directed by a facilitator from Team Leadership. 


Skill-Trust, team building, leadership styles- Tim Pflieger and Colors-Megan



The 7 Habits on the Go - Introduction


Community Planning and Natural Resources

October 9, 2025


A walk through the Learning Path behind the College of Menominee helped us to understand the sustainability practices the Menominee Nation have used for over 140 years, 

A visit to Green Valley Dairy, one of the largest operations in a two-county area, allowed us to see an example of sustainable farming. 

Part of the curriculum for LSC is to participate in a community service project.  After reviewing Request for Proposals, the class selects up to three service project topics to work on the remainder of the program.


Skill-Running effective meeting, sustainable farming


The 7 Habits on the Go - Habit 1 - Be Proactive


Cafe Interior
City, Tribal and County Government 

November 13, 2025


Public speaking skills are put to practice this day. LSC participants are asked to prepare a three-minute speech on any topic they choose. The speeches are presented to a Green Bay Toastmaster representative who provides tips on improving public speaking skills.

Round table discussions with our Mayor, City Administrator, Alderman and County Board Supervisors allowed us to discuss current City of Shawano and Shawano County issues. 

We also learn about the history of the Menominee and Stockbridge Tribal government. and spend time learning about what law enforcement and concerns they have within our communities.


Skill-Public speaking-Hank Wagner, learning about local, county and tribal government agencies.


7 Habits on the Go Habit 2-Begin with the end in mind

Economic Development 

December 11, 2025


Tours of Performance Foodservice and Genex provided an opportunity to visit two Shawano County businesses that have a global presence. 

Tourism as Economic Development was the topic discussed by the director of the Shawano County Chamber of Commerce. Tourism is responsible for millions of dollars spent in Shawano Country and extremely important to our area economy.  

Individuals from GEXEX, Extension Shawano County and individual dairy farms representing different aspects of agriculture, were available for an Agriculture Panel discussion. From seed to feed to dairy and beef products, we learned how these businesses depend on one another and understood the large impact agriculture has on our local economy.   


Skill-Basic Fundraising, learn about agriculture business and tourism business.


7 Habits on the Go Habit 3-Put first things first

Healthcare & Wellness

January 8, 2026


An open discussion about the four dimensions of heath, Physical, Mental, Social and Spirit, allowed us to share the strategies we are using to cope with the stressful situations we are currently living through.  

Lifestyle Medicine-The Power of You in Your Health, provides suggestions on how to change habits and improve our overall health.

Dementia LIVE-Alex Hartwig


Skill-Self-care and stress reduction, learn about health care at ThedaCare and Menominee Tribal Clinic 


7 Habits on the Go Habit 4 - Think win-win

Education, Youth, & Lifelong Learning

February 12, 2026


At NWTC we learn about programming at their campuses with state-of-the-art classrooms and access to distance learning classes.

Alternative Education programs, the role of a School Board member and an overview of School Funding is covered by Shawano School District administrators.   

Understanding the different ways in which each generation prefers to communicate is covered in the topic “Communicating Across Generations”. We learn about each generation’s unique values, work ethics and learning styles.  Understanding these differences can help us communicate with a multi-generational work force. 

The Youth Action Panel with area high school students gives the opportunity to candidly discuss their hopes for the future and issues confronting them today.


Skill-Basic Fundraising, learn about agriculture business and tourism business.


7 Habits on the Go Habit 5 -Seek first to understand, then to be understood

Modern Education Center
US Flag
State Government

March 12, 2026


The group travels to the state capitol for the day.  We meet with our area legislators to discuss current issues and learn about governmental processes.  

Supreme Court clerks explain types of cases the Supreme Court reviews, and we tour the architecturally stunning State Capitol. 

A discussion about a controversial topic allows us to gain insight and opinions from those who support and do not support an issue.


Skill-Learn about state government and topics that are currently being discussed at the state level, Civil Discourse.


April 9, 2026


A tour of an Amish school, furniture business and breakfast with an Amish family gave us insight into their culture and their neighboring community.  
An exercise named “PACE” Poverty Awareness for Community Engagement provided key lessons regarding poverty and classism in our culture.


Skill- PACE- Poverty Awareness for Community Engagement, cultural diversity in our county – visit Amish and Native American communities


7 Habits on the Go Habit 6 - Synergize

Couple Meditating
Personal Engagement

May 14, 2026


A presentation called “Being Your Best Even in Turbulent Times” talked about how leaders are required to be adaptable, resourceful and keep a positive mindset during times of uncertainty.

The topic of Emotional Intelligence explains our ability to understand, use, and manage our own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict.


Skill-Using what you have learned and putting it to practice, being a lifelong learner, ethics and setting your goals.


7 Habits on the Go Habit 7 - Sharpen the saw




June 11, 2026







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